AO scanner- Health in the palm of your hand
Are you ready to purchase a subscription and technology for yourself?
Introducing AO Scan Technology
The AO Scan Technology program is a unique educational tool that can help you learn about how your body is performing. It communicates with the body via subtle bio-frequencies and electromagnetic signals to identify the areas that may be out of balance. By identifying those areas that may need assistance, you can then make the proper lifestyle changes to optimize your health and reach a state of harmony and balance.
The incredible AO Solex scanner used to sell for over $35,000 USD to practitioners only and 2020 it was developed into a hand held device that all kinds of practitioners and everyday people could have wellness in the palm of their hand.
The world’s premier mobile frequency scanner
The AO Scan™ Premium Subscription is a global license to use the AO Scan software for one month. This life-changing technology now fits in the palm of your hand and is accessible anywhere there is an internet connection.
NEW OPTION :You can purchase you own device or use a device you may already have at home ie spare phone or tablet or iPad and run the subscription on that.
It’s best to have some sort of dedicated device so not to have other programs interfering with your scans and frequency being broadcasted out or imprinted to yourself or others.
If you are opting in to use your own device to run the subscription and use the technology , Solex recommends using a device with the following specifications. This will give you the best possible scanning experience.
Minimum requirement
40Mps internet speed
2GB free space
To access and use this amazing technology there is a monthly Premium subscription of $149 USD which is a global license to use the AO scan software which includes lots of regular upgrades and updates… this incredible technology is continually getting upgrades and improves and just get better and better.
Start your experience off with a starter pack or a builder pack – only available at time of sign up with your subscription
Solex just had the Australian Bush flower essences /frequency added to Quantum flowers in the SEFI area and a new program called Mind sync has been added. Affirmation in your own voice recorded with frequency music.
You can purchase your scanner 2 ways
Become a PC (preferred client) and just enjoy the scanner for yourself, family and friends OR for an extra $49 a year you can become a QLA (Quantum Living Advocate) and Affiliate market this incredible device and consult with it and earn money.
The commission structure is EXTREMELY generous compared to any other network marketing company.
Sign up 3 people under you and it becomes free : 3 for free !!!!
To put into perspective, if you become a QLA and signed up only 3 people you would earn back in commission the entire cost of subscription every month and then your subscription every month is free and more.
You can also easily pay your subscription using this device on your clients, selling remedies and homeopaths, creating your own packages, Food sensitivity testing, chakra and meridian scans, pet scans, house clearings, selling SEFI dots, running weekly and monthly programs or just running frequency playlists for specific issues for your clients on specific topics ie Abundance, house sales, back pain, focus and memory, sleep help, emotional support the list goes on and on.
If using it for yourself and your family think of it as a self care system and first aid kit to help your family anywhere in the world. You are already saving by having access to flower essences, homeopathic and scanning your vitamins/minerals everyday which can save you money. Maybe you only need to take Vit C once a week v’s every day etc. You can also make up and imprint your own remedies and tinctures for quick access and save money.
I have mum’s sending frequencies to their children at school, for sports performance, learning, school camp, anxiety, headaches, exams and mental health issues and the list goes on….
Use it on yourself to clear and protect your energy and space and a way to manifest your goals and dreams by sending frequency around your goals and outcomes.
Example of a SEFI list
You will also save $$ by not needing to go to as many health appointments, buy loads of supplements etc because you have wellness in the palm of your hand.
Want to try before you buy ?
Each pass will grant users access to ALL the features offered in the AO Scan Technology program for 3 full days. These features include Quick Scan, EZ Scan, Inner-Voice, Vitals Scan, Body Systems Scan, Comprehensive Scan, and SEFI.
Purchase for $49.00 and if you decide to join my team afterwards I will refund you the MONEY BACK
Ready to JOIN my team ?
Become part of ” AO Melbourne” team, you will have lots of support from me including mentoring on how to use it and earn money as a business if that what you want or just learn ways to use this amazing technology on your family and friends. I have team members in other states and globally too. And I am part of the Australian leadership team.
Lots of training and support is available through Solex too and when you sign up you have access to free Solex university straight away.
There is also weekly live calls recorded with lots of training. This can be found at Solex U tube station
Also twice a year live and online Day of discovery conferences/ training in UTAH and GOLD COAST. We have one happening this November 2023.
Solex also offers paid training to learn more about the scans through Phase 1,2,3 training . As the company grows so does the training and we now have a new gut health program and a homeopathic program to learn more. The best way to learn and educate yourself is to start scanning yourself now.
As you learn and heal and scan, you can help others too….
You don’t need to know everything to share …. just start
We have a product to help humanity here, first start with you . Act now
Follow the link to purchase :