Wood element and the season of Spring

Wood element and the season of Spring

Spring is the long wait after winter, seeds start to sprout, flowers bloom, the sun comes out and there is a sense of rebirth in the air and new beginnings being planted. A sense of renewal may give us the vision and inspiration to bring our goals and creative energy into fruition.

On a Metaphysical level in governs the following.

You may ask yourself the following questions?

Thyroid ~ Are you devoted to self? Do what you planned in winter and action it, follow thru. Love yourself. Be your truth.

Bladder~ Are you in control of your own yearnings?

Small Intestines~ Have you assimilated and digested all your ideas? Have they integrated yet?

Kidney~ Now that you know what you want – Be decisive, how will you cope with change and new beginnings? Will you push through any fear that may come up and push forward in your intended direction?

On a Chinese medicine level spring governs the Wood element of the cycle, which is associated with the Liver and gallbladder organs. The color Green – new life, it’s a yang time, and one of the primary emotions are ANGER.

There may be an energy build up from winter that still needs to be released. So impatients, irritability, anger may be bubbling up within you still? The sound of the wood element is “shouting, so maybe a good shout out is needed to release and get back into balance.

The liver and gallbladder can be about detoxification and spring- cleaning of systems and life. Planning, transformation, having the courage to live your hearts desires – your destiny.

When our wood element is healthy we know what we want and need, we set goals and we set out to achieve it.We have a healthy assertion of self and can flow and adjust as we need too.

We feel patient, kind, resilient, positive and can make decisions. Transformation becomes easier, we are motivated and brave. We feel the gift of vision and clarity.

When the wood element is out of balance we feel irritated, impatient, resentful and angry. We are out of flow and stuck. We may feel controlling and inflexible. Our vision is clouded and we feel lost.

Things to do to action this energy:

+Take a risk and try something new that you’ve been processing in winter

+Hydrate the body with water and lemon. Lemon can nourish the liver.

+Do a liver cleanse or detox, fast.

+Move the body. The liver needs movement.

+Spring clean- let go of things, create balance and order again.

+Deal with Anger. Once dealt with it can be transformational.

Kinesiology is great for helping you deal with all the metaphysical and Chinese medicine issues stated above.

Another fun way to deal with anger


Firstly, feeling and acknowledging anger can sometimes be the best thing for you, particularly if you’ve bottled up deep anger for a long time and simply need to let it out and express. It’s when anger eats away at us (over the long term) that it becomes a negative in our life.


When you feel anger rise, NOTICE IT. Don’t stuff it back down or fight away the tears. Acknowledge (to yourself) what you’re feeling.

2. ASK IT.

Now, ask yourself, “Why am I so angry?” Notice the first words that come to you and write them down. Look at those words and see if they are valid in any way.


Lastly (and this is the best part) you’re going to work this anger out of your body. Immediately move away from what you’re doing. Change your scene. Literally go for a walk or stand outside and listen to the sounds all around you. Shift your frequency and watch your anger dissipate.

” I have a dream” Martin Luther king had a vision of a different world being realised. This is the wood element all over.