What is Bioresonance all about / AO scanner ?

What is Bioresonance all about / AO scanner ?

Science has discovered that every cell, tissue & organ of the body is 98% energy that resonates with a unique frequency & vibration.

Every cell and organ in the body has its own distinctive Vibrational Frequency or Oscillation. When these oscillations are disrupted, whether by injury, diet, stress or emotion, it results in a disruption of that biological function. Which when not addressed, can bring about fatigue, depression, illness, disease and even death.

Over the past 50 years leading scientists from around the globe have catalogued thousands of blueprint frequencies – that are the same in every “healthy” human being.Your body is a magnificent energetic machine that requires ongoing maintenance and calibration.Energy, frequency, vibration, and resonance are the four keys that unlock energetic wellbeing.

Every cell of your body produces energy. When energy is too low, you feel lethargic and muddled. When energy is too high, you feel hyper and chaotic. When energy is “just right” you feel like all your circuits are plugged in and switched on.

The Bio-resonance device I use is called the AO Scanner By Solex. A=Alpha, O=Omega.

Its’ a digital body analyser.

The Ao scanner uses radionics to detect abnormalities in the various energy frequencies of cells, tissues, and organs throughout your body.

The AO Scan Digital Body Analyzer is combination of technology from Russia, Germany, Spain, Asia and the USA. Most if not all this technology is based on the works of Nikola Tesla, Dr. Royal Rife, Albert Einstein and others that theorize everything physical at its most fundamental level is actually energy frequency.

Three modalities are used in an AO Body Scan.

Bio Resonance Recognition:

This process transmits a specific signal from the brain through a pair of small transducers placed in the front of each ear into the system.  This is what enables the brain to identify which part of the body is being scanned.

Bio Resonance Comparison:

This process receives from the brain the resonating frequency of the part of the body that was selected and is then compared to a known homeostatic frequency that the selected organ, tissue, etc. should be vibrating at if healthy.

Then it compares the two frequencies, calculates how close they are to each other, and assigns a number from 1 to 9, with 5 being in perfect harmony and higher or lower than 5 indicating either stress or under activity.

Sympathetic Vibratory Physics:

This process involves sending a Sympathetic Vibration back into the body to encourage the organ, tissue, etc. that is not within their homeostatic range to move back towards the ideal range.

Issues the AO Body Scan Can Address

Allergies and food sensitivities , bacterial diseases, blood panes, reproductive health, bone and muscle condition, cardiovascular issues, chakra & meridian health, heavy metals, viruses, vitamins, digestive function, fungus and moulds,  genetics, immune , body systems, major organs health, insulin resistance, hormones, emotions and trauma.. just to name a few.

over all the AO scanner ….

BALANCE: Facilitates balance in the presence of toxic energy

CLEAR: Toxic energy signatures are identified and removed

TRANSMUTE: Covert toxic energy into good energy.


How solex and the AO scanner came about ?

It all started in the 1980s with a father’s dream for his son to one day live a life free from the restraints of cerebral palsy. Loran Swensen traveled the globe searching for solutions, collaborating with doctors, programmers, and scientists. His tireless pursuit led him to develop his first innovation, a frequency, light, sound, and motion machine called the Theta Chamber, and he hasn’t stopped creating new technologies for the past 30 years. His son now has minimal signs of CP, is a black belt in karate, and is skilled in five languages.