Lets talk energy, vibration and frequency medicine
Energy, emotions and frequency
Everything is energy and frequency. Atoms and molecules constantly vibrate, making up the world we live in. When frequencies change from their optimal state, problems can occur in our health and wellbeing.
E~motions are energy in motion and do play a role in our physical health and reality and our mind-body connection.
The body and mind can reach a tolerance level to traumatic memories and when these stored emotions reach their limits, the result can be physiological illnesses.
If the psyche, or mental emotional component is not dealt with for WHY the person attracted and created their illnesses, it will continue to cycle over and over again regardless of the treatment.
Emotions in my opinion can hold a key to your wellbeing
Low frequency emotions are things like :
Resentment, anger ,hate, anxiety, fatigue, jealousy, shame, fear, desperation, un-forgiveness.
High frequency emotions are things like : Love, self love, gratitude, self awareness , lightness, peace, joy, inspiration, happiness, forgiveness.
Did you know through the principles of Chinese medicine and kinesiology that