Element of Metal~season of Autumn- Lungs & Large Intestine

Element of Metal~season of Autumn- Lungs & Large Intestine

A few tips and facts to get you through the season of Autumn and the element of Metal.

The Metal aspects are the diamonds found within all of us. It can represent our father sky. This element can be associated with the hardness to protect our-selves,

what armors are you wearing over this season?

It is the season of autumn and the time of the harvest. The last harvest and time to start storing food away for the colder months approaching. Nature now makes everything barer. Nature now lets go of it abundant creations of the last year in a grand final display. The leaves are changing color before they let go and drop to the ground. The climate is becoming drier, and the odor is rotten. 

The emotion we may experience  in this season is grief.

Grief can weaken the lungs


Not letting go can block and create stagnation in the Large Intestines 

You may have some loss or regret. at this time bubbling up. You may have made an error in your life or had a lost opportunity, lost a love one or suffered from hardship. In order to be able to move on in life, we may need to accept and acknowledge the pain or loss. Look at what we need to let go of, or get over and still process. We may need to let go and cry and release, shred, allow this to happen so you can come back into balance. 

The energy of this season is to support a letting go of the old waste, the old and stale so the new can evolve.

This element fortifies the skin and the hair. Our skin and hair can act as armor or an antenna. We can shut off and defend ourselves or open up and attune to the vibration around us.

Lessons to Implement over the Metal Element season:

The ultimate lesson the Metal Element is trying to teach us is to learn to connect with our own inner self and spirit. When you start connecting to your own true nature again, you will value and appreciate yourself more and your own gems of wisdom, your own gold inside.

When you’re in this space and connected to you, you will no longer seek the recognition from others. When you feel this within yourself you will feel worthy of love and deep connection to self but also to others.

How is your self worth?

When the Metal element is in balance

We appreciate the quiet time to reflect and value listening to our inner self and wisdom within.We look forward to this inward tide to be guided. We can breath deeply through the lungs.

We can let go and clear out negativity that no longer serves us through the breath and our bowels- Large Intestine. We can grieve appropriately if we need to and have a good sense of self worth. When our Metal Element is in balance: we have great integrity, feel brave, faithful, self disciplined, organised, creative and can cut to the chase of things. We can make decision easily and lead. We can find inspiration in the element.

When the Metal element is Out of balance :

Our expression of grief becomes imbalanced and inappropriate or in the other extreme, it may be absent and cannot express grief at all. We may seek respect and recognition from the outside world as we feel a lack of worth within. We may have attachments to things i.e. possessions, attitudes and addictions. We may find it hard to bond and have close relationships. 

Issues of grief, guilt, jealousy, addictions and obsessive may surface. We may wish to control, be inflexible and can get depressed in this season. Physically we may have breathing issues, respiratory –colds and flus, skin issues, digestive complaints, nose problems, dry or brittle hair, lack energy and inspiration.

Remember that the degree to which we can let go tells us a lot about the state of our Metal element in us. 

Some affirmations to consider in this season

Large Intestine

“I easily assimilate and absorb all that I need to know and release the past with joy”

“ I live in the joyous present”


“I take in life in perfect balance”

“The breath of life flows easily through me”

“I am free to take charge of my life”

A few things to implement in this season may be:

+Declutter your space and mind , journal your emotions especially grief,  a letting go ritual , skin brushing, practise forgiveness and gratitude.

Check in on your lung and large intestine health via kinesiology or Chinese medicine.

++Please note . The element of Autumn/metal  can also be present through out the year not just in the season.

In the end the treasures of life are missed by those that hold on & gained by those that can let go” Lao Tzu

Is it time to make a booking and check in on your own well-being ?